ProfiLux Aquarium Controller, whats it all about?

"you can log into your ProfiLux from anywhere "outside" (office or whatever) but you need ProfiLuxControl."

ah, so you mean you need profiluxcontrol installed on the PC you want to use, not just a PC at home? guess I could keep a copy on my USB key drive :)

are there any future plans to support website-based broadcasting? maybe html with XSSI for simple status reporting?

Ryan that's what I'm working on, I realy love my profilux but I find that the web access is a big lack. So I started building a web interface for my profilux.

I'm building this in php so far I can connect, send a request and receive the value. I had to put the project on hold until I could finish a fiew others things one of the being my stand and canopy for my new 90G :c)

Indeed seems like everybody is after this feature :D

I made the plunge and ordered a profilux.

Matthias, I have another question for you,

According to the ProfiluxControl images that were posted, the program is 725x649 pixels.

I am wanting to buy a small Asus EEE laptop to sit next to my profilux. It's just about perfect (includes wifi and can be got for <$300), except that the screen resolution is only 800x480. About 1/3 of the program wouldn't fit on that screen.

Is the ProfiluxControl app window resizable??? or is there a plan to support lower display resolutions?

actually its a moot point.

I found out you can use modified drivers to display higher resolutions on the EEE display device. a much better solution to this problem :)
As we are getting more and more enquiries I am just pushing this thread back up to the top to give some newcomers more of an understanding as to what the profiLux can do.

Existing users if you wish to update this for me please feel free