ProfiLux III First Pictures


New member
We are pleased to be able to show you the very first prototype pictures of the PIII upgrade kit. Pictures of the full PIII not as a kit will follow in time.

But for now you can see what the kit will include and how it upgrades the profilux Plus II.

The PIII is going to be PC driven, but there will be a flash touch screen colour display option also available for you to mount where you wish and control your profiLux from also.

Here are the first pictures of the kit

This is fitted to an EX but of course it also fits the standard Plus II

you can see on the photo:
- new front PCB
- in the front, left: Piggyback-PCB with PAB-Interface (ProfiLux Aquatic Bus) which the expansion devises will be connected to.
- right, in Slot 0: Module with USB und LAN

REMEMBER - This is JUST the kit that turns a PII into a PIII, the rest will follow soon ;)



Link to aquarium computer thread

So if you are someone tht wants 1,000 pH probes, your wish has been answered :)
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Super Cool.

Waiting for it to come out.

A lot of cool toys are coming out of GHL, I can see why you guys are on top!
Proud to be an owner of a Profilux Controller.

Nice Job GHL ! ! !
No not at all, the outdoor is nothing new in function just designed for the koi pond market. A new market we are just breaking into.
I knew that the front board would be new, but I see they are adding more L or S ports too. I hope there is a market for my current USB plug, but it look like it junk for the PIII, glad your keeping the PII for a while.
Within the main module the amount of L and S ports remains the same, all extensions will come from the PAB into a expansion box, so you can have as many expansion boxes filled with as many cards as you wish.

The PII will always be the foundation model and will not stop being made for the time being until a time when more people opt for the PIII as the base model over the PII, so there will always be a market for the existing USB and LAN cards
how to connect to computer

how to connect to computer

How does the PII version connect with the computer if it does not have USB. What if your computer does not have a serial input.

I assume that the PIII version will use the USB cable to connect to a computer - is this correct?
Use GHL PLM-USB expansion card or if considering upgrading to the PIII then get yourself from radio shack USB to serial adapter.
I just ordered the PII EX Plus version... what cable do i need to connect it to my computer now.

When available, i will upgrade to PIII version, but what SPECIFICALLY do I need to connect to a computer now.
If you do not have an RS232 port, you can use as above, an adpater from serial to USB.

When using this adapter be sure to load the GHL USB driver NOT the one that comes with the adapter.

All info can be found here this is your one stop technical support forum, it is here you would post if you have any technical questions or require files and firmware and drivers
sorry to keep posting here, but not sure how to post on your support site (too confusing),...

But is this the name of the driver for the usb to serial cable.

Driver for PLM-USB, Windows 2000/XP/Vista®
go to the site,

create an account in the exact same way you did here, of course selecting English as your language :)

Yes this is the driver.

If support questions are placed here i can not assure you of always such swift responses, at times we do not visit this site for 3-4 days as our workload is very much given priority to the official support site, it is impossible to run split support.

If you have difficulty creating an account you will need to give me all the details so i can make the account for you.
Just got my Profilux EX Plus II. 2 questions... 1) when will the rpfilux II upgrade be available and 2) can I get on a pre-order list somewhere...

1. Early october
2. No need we will post here the release date, ALL clients that purchased prior to the release date, will receive the discount providing they purchase within 30 days of release date, we will be highly strict on this and prepared some people may be upset if they come to us after the 30 days even if it is 31 days, but we are going to give massive amounts of notice so this, we hope, will not become an issue.
hmmmm so what those this mean for people that currently have a PII and want to upgrade? there wont be a discount?
Ok not quite sure where that confusion came from. I will try again :(

When the PIII is released, you have exactly 30 days from the DATE OF RELEASE to purchase the upgrade at a discounted cost.

The discount applies to ALL clients that purchased a profiLux PRIOR to the upgrade release date.

The discount does NOT apply to people that purchase the Plus II AFTER the release date.

So if you want the PIII PLEASE buy a Plus II now or at least before the release date.