Profilux redesigned?


New member
I just went on the GHL website and it seems the profilux has a new rear panel design. Is this an error on the website or have there been changes made?
No it's true there is a slight redesign of the ProfiLux. More inside than outside but it's slightly different.
Is GHL looking to update the profilux soon? the current ones seem outdated and the support is really lacking these days with many support post going unanswered.
if you post here for support it will go unanswered as there is a well documented support forum.

Not quite sure where the theory of being outdated comes from when it still has way more functionality than anything else on the market.

The P3 just got a face list with many enhancements and options that will continue to be rolled out. I do not see any others with anything new to offer really at present unlike the GHL.