Project External Glass Overflow

I have absolutely no regrets. The tank is strong, its clean, and I havent had to give up any space in the display for plumbing. From the experience I've had I would never do an internal overflow again.
You picture looks like it will be one awsome tank. I love the dimensions. Having two bulkheads in the overflow is great because you will be able to have one to handle the drain and the other a bit higher up to serve as a backup if the main one ever got clogged. The best thing you could ever do with an overflow is put a ball valve on the return pipe and close it until the drain matches the same rate as the pump. This way there will be no air going down the drain and the return will be even more quiet than a durso (no air hissing through the vent hole in the cap) and your sump will be silent (unlike with a Durso!)
One question, why not have all three sides clear and only the back wall blacked out?
i am going to redo my wall with this one tank
if you want to see my jam packed wall here it is
top is 75 Cichlid
middle 55 salt
bottom bearded dragon
its very cramped back their
Now that is an in-wall setup!
I think if I was the bearded dragons though, I would have voted to be on top - just in case ( :

- Chad
Thanks Johnboy, I feel bad for the little dude sometimes. This is the most carefree time of his life and he doesn't even even realize it.

And speaking of avatars I have to admit, after seeing that picture in the gallery one day, I measured our bed for a headboard tank :D . One day.

- Chad
SOMEthinsFISHY said:
it says the file format is wrong

Sorry about that, I think when I uploaded the file it failed before it was finished. I reuploaded it and it seems to be working fine now.
OK i will try it !!

Chad take plenty of pictures they will b priceless to them some day !!

chad that head borad or foot board tank depending how u sleep !! is 82 inches wide and 2/1/2 feet high and 2 foot from front 2 back just bought a wide screen last night for the great room that is 65 inches wide to go next to the widescreen tank in great room that is 82 inches wide

I will try and post a picture it is wild !!
Local hardware/plumbing store. Most plumbing supply houses will have them. Lowes has gasket material usually if you have to make your own.
Tunjee, What do you think would be the biggest tank you could do this overflow on?
I may be getting a 75 Gallon sometime soon, and if it doesn't have an overflow I'd like to do this.
I'm doing it to my 90 right now (1/2" glass :eek2: ). I've already started cutting into the glass ands it's going slow but it will be worth it. I will not be making a toothed overflow though. Just one long continuous overflow about 8" long and 1" deep. I will be using guttergaurd on the ouside box to keep critters out of the drains. I just wish my tank was empty it would be so much easier. My fish probably wonder what the hell is going on. :confused:

Tunjee, what size is the gasket you are using on the bulkheads?
How long did the glass shop take to get your glass in? Did you assemble the box or did you have them do it, and you just siliconed it to the tank? Thanks Tunjee for your continued help!