WEll its about time i get back into saltwater after a year in planted fresh water tanks and what better way than to build my own 180 gallon. I just got the acrylic a day ago and am prepping it to glue/bond everything together. I have it set up with my local plastic supplier he gave me a great deal on everything. I got six pieces of 1/2 acrylic for a total of 500 dollars. The tank is gonna be 4" X 3" X 2". The top and bottom pieces measuring 3x4 cost me 123 each. The black 2x3 77. and the 2x4's i dont remmember but the plastics place also cut them to right about the exact size and routed them and even agreed to flame polish it when i was done. I built a temporary stand tonight out of two by fours and have pictures but will upload all tehm plus show the wire method of bonding in detailed pictures tommorow. As for tonight i thought i would just tell all that i am starting this half my room project and don't plan on stopping till everything is finishied.