Proper Lighting for Clam Tank


New member
I have a 72gal Bowfront (48L 18W and 22H) that I would like to keep clams in. I have been checking out some of the Hamilton light setups and have almost made my decision.

I am interested in the 48" hood with (2) 175Watt 10,000K German lights and (2) 110Watt VHO (I believe that the hood ships with actinics, should I change this to superactinics?)
My second choice is the same setup with (2) 250Watt 10,000K German lights.

Would this be too much light for my tank? I also plan to keep some soft corals I curretly have and also would like like to acquire some acorapora in the future?

I have read that many people run the VHO for 10-12 hours and the halide for 5-6 hours. I would like the VHO to run from 11am to 11pm and the halides to run from 4pm to 10pm. Any problems with this?

Are the 10000K lights a good idea? Also what would be the most ideal VHO tubes to run with this?

Thanks for your help.

I would look into AB aquaspace fixture with two 150w DE.No external ballasts,just plug it in.Probably same price or there abouts. You can check them out at He's a sponcor on RC. Gene.
Some models do and some don't,but for clams if you have 10K bulbs supplementing is just for looks IMO.I don't think corals or clams realy care.I think it's just our own eye perseption.
Well,you know it better then I do Barry:D