Pros and cons of putting a clam in my rock work

jarrett shark

New member
I have a problem with my clams always moving and falling on its side
Thinking about moving into my rock work from the sand bed.
I know when i go diving i never see clams on the sand but in rock?
Will i have a problem getting him out?
Will he not grow as much if has no room
can they move from rock to rock?
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If the calms are happy on the sand they should not move.

If you try to get the clam out you could dammage the foot. Try to rock the clam very slow back and forth and see if it dislogges the foot.

I have tried this with the move over and I did not loose any clams.

No they do not move rocks
they are happy but this one clam must always push the sand around so he falls over, Stann has the same pain in the a@@ clam
All clams when small like to attach to rocks or some sort of a base with fillaments they do not have a "foot" ripping that fillament may hurt the clam but it will live.

The only clams that spend their whole lives in or on rocks are maximas and croceras.
Deresas gigas squamosas all detach and live on the sand when they get to be the rite size. they simply detach themselvs and "jump to the bottom" Keep in minf all the sand dwellers get BIG and we actually never really keep them in our tanks to the point when they want to live on the sand.
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My clam also fell over to the side. But he seems happier actually. He opens up even more...

He does "spaz" out sometimes and huffs and puffs some sand around... but lately he's been pretty good.

He has this cool tube like projection that comes out that gets bigger and smaller (kinda like he's getting "excited" errr something :lol:)
All clams when small like to attach to rocks or some sort of a base with fillaments they do not have a "foot" ripping that fillament may hurt the clam but it will live.

The only clams that spend their whole lives in or on rocks are maximas and croceras.
Deresas gigas squamosas all detach and live on the sand when they get to be the rite size. they simply detach themselvs and "jump to the bottom" Keep in minf all the sand dwellers get BIG and we actually never really keep them in our tanks to the point when they want to live on the sand. Deresa wasn't really open fully and happy until I put it down in the sand.
Hey Jarrett... try putting a flat piece of rock or frag disc under the clam and sand and it may attach to it.. then you can freely move it around without having to worry about removing the clam from the base...
my clams are in the sand and they moved alittle in the sand but nothing nerve wrecking yet keep my fingers crossed