How about a permanent and total ban on all commercial vessels passing within 500 nautical miles of the island? That would mean real protection by preventing those deathstar tankers from spilling their contents on the reef. I don't think the island became only a shadow of what it formerly was because of ornamental fish collecting. Why don't you go after the big boys, the real culprits: Shell, Exxon, and the chemical and pharmaceutical corporations that use and transport environmentally toxic products across the sea lanes, occasionally hitting a reef and inflicting, in a day, more damage than collectors could inflict in a thousand years. Don't be shy. Take on the governments, industries and labour organizations that have in interest in these sorts of things. When you get them to act responsibly, then we can look at collectors. Otherwise, it's a classic case of re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. An excercise in feel-good stupidity.