protect vulnerable reef fishes

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following on from the Clipperton Atoll thread in 'reef fishes', please take alook at my online petition.
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How about a permanent and total ban on all commercial vessels passing within 500 nautical miles of the island? That would mean real protection by preventing those deathstar tankers from spilling their contents on the reef. I don't think the island became only a shadow of what it formerly was because of ornamental fish collecting. Why don't you go after the big boys, the real culprits: Shell, Exxon, and the chemical and pharmaceutical corporations that use and transport environmentally toxic products across the sea lanes, occasionally hitting a reef and inflicting, in a day, more damage than collectors could inflict in a thousand years. Don't be shy. Take on the governments, industries and labour organizations that have in interest in these sorts of things. When you get them to act responsibly, then we can look at collectors. Otherwise, it's a classic case of re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. An excercise in feel-good stupidity.
there are lots of threats facing this location and I've though very carefully about what I want to achieve with this petition. I've got to be realistic.... I won't stand a chance of getting shipping diverted but I might just succeed with this, given some support!

Don't forget I partly have the reekeeping hobby in mind here too. There are some people that would use another failed import of these fish against all of us.
I can agree with your logic. However, for the layman its kind of like going #1 on a forest fire, it wouldnt even really matter if 1,000,000 of us all went at the same time (even if that were possible). The big boys will only make a change if A.) it doesnt cost money and they can get some good PR out of it or B.) the general public is willing to absorb the cost of doing it. I doubt anyone in the world will tolerate even the slightest increase in GAS prices right now.

So with that said, people don't want to feel powerless, so at least they can sign a petition and it makes them FEEL like their voice is being heard and they are contribiting postivelty and being part of making the world a better place.
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thanks c-russ. I agree. I'm hoping this is going to be more than a token gesture though... when I've got enough signatures I will be moving forward with the plan. There's a blog attached to the petition that I'll be aiming to keep updated regularly by the way. I am working on several very interesting leads right now!

Come on people, show you really care about your hobby.
French navy/marines now patrol Clipperton

French navy/marines now patrol Clipperton

The French Navy and Marines manage, monitor and patrol Clipperton Island now and anyone without authority ie French permission is run off;

Topics of environmental and responsible reefkeeping is where I have posted the most. [ about 2,000 total posts on environmental issues]
Over the past decade I see that Clippo has never had a thought ...not one.....about environmentally responsible reefkeeping before until now..

Humorously enough, his spark of "conscience" arrives via affiniation with a thief and murderer pirate of centuries gone by. [ English pirate, John Clipperton]
The odd pride that swells in him from this dubious connection with the island is in fact a proprietary feeling for it and he resents anyone else visiting it including people accepted by French authority.
[might be the age ol "French-English thing"...]
Glossing over all the tonnage of fish taken from the reefs of Clipperton and the chemical threat from tanker groundings, our hero has limited his plan of action to the smallest possible threat he could imagine, a few buckets of small, fast recruiting fishes.

Far better minds are at work on the need to manage Clipperton properly, rest assured. If one is unaware of them one could ask.
If one were unaware of permit could also ask.
The French are ramping up efforts to manage the island greatly and the control over the place by marines is absolute...

You cannot visit the water around the island without permission and you cannot even set foot upon it without another type of permission.
There is no longer a tunafish or sharkfishing industry there.
There is no longer a long-range sport fishery there. Both have been completely stopped and run off by the "ineffective" French navy.

From a post on an environmental forum.
I think this early experience taught me a lot of what extreme tokenism we "good guys" often practice.
The selective way in which we propose one virtue to conceal our other faults in attempt to trump another.

There are so many real issues that need peoples allotment of concern and it would be a shame to see any wasted on such a Monty Pythonesque fringe.
+1 Steve couldn't have said it better.Some people think they can change the world without doing thier homework...heres a classic example.
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