Protein Skimmer Recommendation for Large Tank


New member
I just bought a my first house so obviously I am looking to upgrade my 75 gallon reef tank to something bigger. My three choices are a 220 gallon 72x24x30, the Marineland 200DD and the 300DD. I am trying to get an idea of the cost of equipment and I need some recommendations for a protein skimmer that is rated for such a large tank. Any advice would be useful.
I would go as big as money and time allows. I have used many different types, as of now I like the Skimz brand and use a monster 252. The olny draw back is finding a 50mm pvc to 1.5 inch union, that had to be special ordered.
The SRO3000 line would be fine for any of those. The bubble blaster pump is hard to beat in performance and efficency.
I have really enjoyed my Super Reef Octopuse XP 3000-int with the automatic neck cleaner. I would definitely buy one again.
We have a 240gal with 24 fish and losts of LPS and a few SPS. Combined with a productive refugium this skimmer keeps our paramiters in line
Would you do in-sump or external?

If you have room, I recommend external. The internals don't require a feed pump, so there is a power savings. However, if you are using a pump to feed a UV filter, just use the output of the UV as the input for the external skimmer.
We went big with our 300DD setup... SRO 6000 SS internal.
It's a beast, and the vendor support has been commendable.
Hi, I'm planning to buy a 300 DD. did you get their stand and canopy? What type of sump are you using to fit the skimmer? Would love to compare notes.
Just upgraded and am using a SRO 3000 in sump as well. Very much like it, had a SRO 2000 on my old tank and it was great as well.
I haven't decided if I am going to buy their stand and canopy. It really depends if I feel like being lazy or not. I can build a over the top stand, meaning using only 2*6 for half the price of their stand.

As for a sump I am planning on using a spare 75 gallon I have laying around. I haven't finalized a actual design yet.

Prop-frags I have been silently following your build and I am using it as a reference guide; you truly have an amazing tank. I agree with you, coralvue makes an amazing product and they back their products 100%. I am thinking about using their Reef Octopus Diablo XS 350. What do you think?

I am still trying to decide on which type of drain to use: herbie, bean animal, durso, etc. Any one have any suggestions? The sump will be under the tank in the stand and I don't object the idea of having external return pipes.
That's a nice skimmer but at 25" tall that would only leave 0.75" left in the stand. I contacted marineland and the internal dimensions of the stand are 25.75". That's why I asked if you bought their stand because I'm struggling to find equipment that will fit under the tank for a 300 gal sps reef.