Protein Skimmers and Big tanks

Also, i wanna throw around the ideas on livestock as well ( might as well hehe)
Let me know what your thoughts are

The tank will be mostly LPS/SPS since im not a fan of leathers/softies
I also want the tank to be fish heavy just like what you'd see.

3-yellow tangs
2-blue tangs
1-Black tang
1-lemon peel angel
1-flame back angel
2-naso blondes
1-purple tang
6/10- blue/green chromis
1-potters angel
2-flame angels
1-gold spotted rabbit
2-regal tangs
1- McCosker wrasse
5-Maldives Lyretail Anthias
2-Kaudern's Cardinal
1-Kole tang
Yellow spotted jaw (pair if possible)
5-whitei anthias
1-australian multicolor dottyback
4-lamarcks angels

I've never had to stock a tank this size, so I'm not sure if what I have is WAY overstocked or not. In one point it seems like its a lot of fish, but then I remember I've seen smaller tanks with more in them, so can someone shed light on this too? I am also a big fan of schooling fish, so anything you could recommend there, please do!
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Also, i wanna throw around the ideas on livestock as well ( might as well hehe)
Let me know what your thoughts are

The tank will be mostly LPS/SPS since im not a fan of leathers/softies
I also want the tank to be fish heavy just like what you'd see.

3-yellow tangs
2-blue tangs
1-Black tang
1-lemon peel angel
1-flame back angel
2-naso blondes
1-purple tang
6/10- blue/green chromis
1-potters angel
2-flame angels
1-gold spotted rabbit
2-regal tangs
1- McCosker wrasse
5-Maldives Lyretail Anthias
2-Kaudern's Cardinal
1-Kole tang
Yellow spotted jaw (pair if possible)
5-whitei anthias
1-australian multicolor dottyback
4-lamarcks angels

I've never had to stock a tank this size, so I'm not sure if what I have is WAY overstocked or not. In one point it seems like its a lot of fish, but then I remember I've seen smaller tanks with more in them, so can someone shed light on this too? I am also a big fan of schooling fish, so anything you could recommend there, please do!

I have an 8x30x30, 375 gallon tank and I have a large Orange Shoulder Tang and a large Sailfin Tang. These two tangs with a tank full of corals is more than enough and IMO, they look cramped in a tank this small. I think the Yellow Tangs would be OK, but forget about the purple, black, regals and rabbitfish and especially the Naso Tang. That tank you are setting up is just way too small for that many big fish, especially when you calculate a grown in tank with corals. IME, when these fish reach adult size in a couple years, they fight for territory and you can tell that they are not comfortable due to the small tank size.

If you want GOOD advice on your fish list and tank size, go to the Reef Fishes Forum and ask there, those guys/gals are full of experience and can help you as well.
I'm inclined to agree with Nanook.

I had a pair of adult Naso Tangs in my 7' long 400g tank. At 12" length, the tank seemed almost too small for them to really swim around. Throw in all of the otehr fish you mention, some of which get huge, and your quickly running out of room.

What about going a different route and go with a lot of small fish that can dart in and out of the corals? It will look a lot more natural. ;)

As for your glass/acrylic question, I'd go glass. Mine is currently acrylic but after 10 years, I'm looking at swaping it for a glass tank. To easily scratched and a pain to clean or buff out the scratches.

And for those who think a glass tank will not last long because of the silicone, apperently you haven't been in the hobby long enough yet. ;) I even left a glass tank sitting out side for over a year, uncovered, and when I set it up, it still held water. I've had some large glass tanks, over 100G, set up for over 10 years. Even Paul B's glass tank has been set up a lot longer than that. :)