Public Enemy Number Two: Asterina sp. Starfish

nano mania

New member
Hi Paul,
I was just reading your article Pests, Parasites And Things That Go Munch In The Night, Part 2. You wrote in the article, "Unlike Aiptasia eradication, however, there is no chemical control of Asterina sp. populations".

I have had experiance with Phosphate control liquids having adverse effects on brittle stars. I never let it go as far as killing the brittle, but I believe it if I didn't remove the star to a quarantine tank.
A standard dose of Phosphate Remover seems to make the stars disk shrink within an hour of exposure.

Have you heard anything like this before? Would this work on Asterina?
You know, I havent ...but....

I would be worried what else you are killing while trying to kill the asterinas. If it doesnt affect the pod population then it may be a viable alternative, but i suspect it would have an adverse effect on all inverts.