Puffer Puffing


New member
I just bought a dogfaced puffer about two weeks ago and tonight right after eating he just randomly puffed up. Now I have heard that is bad for them, but I wasn't sure if it was true. What causes puffers to puff up? He spit out some food after he deflated, do you suppose that had something to do with it? I recently put copper sulfate in the tank from him having a TINY amount of ick on him. Does copper doing anything funny to a puffer? Also I had to put in some fungus medication for the clown, would that have anything to do with it?
Puffing is associated with stress. Does he have any tankmates? What are they like? Granted, sometimes they do puff for less than obvious reasons. Not something you want to see them do often.

The copper can irritate a puffer, have you tested the copper concentration in the water to see what level it is at? Being scaleless they can be a bit more sensitive but I've used copper plenty with puffers to good effect, just keep up with your test kit to keep the parameters in check.

What is he behaving like post puffing? Does he swim around and act normal or is he hiding someplace, darker coloration, postanal fin tucked around to one side? If he is brand new some of it could be acclimation/change. Did you QT him at all?
Petstorejunkie? I'm sure you can help here....
If it only happened once, you probably have nothing to worry about. I've had a couple of puffers that inflated for no apparent reason, and then never did it again.

I would worry if it happens more than once in a short time span. As LRS078 said, watch his behavior.