pulsing xenia flopped over


New member
My pulsing xenia has been flopped over for the last week. At first it would just be so part of the time and when the lights came on it would pick up. Over the week it has gotten to the place where it is flopped over the entire time. It is still doing some pulsing, but I assume that it is dying. I am leaving to go out of town for the weekend and am wondering if I should pull it out of the tank so that I don't have a dead coral contaminate the tank while I am away. The hesitation that I have is the possibility of it coming back to life that I do not believe is possible, but I do not know due to lack of experience. Any suggestions?
Leave it in! My xenia is always doing stuff like that and it is fine. When xenia dies it usually appears to "melt-down". Even during a melt-down, a lot of people (including me) prefer to leave the dying xenia in the tank because it will often give rise to many small new ones. The water might get a little fouled (depending on tank size of course), but it is nothing that cannot be remedied with a few water changes.
I would say leave it in, mine lay down at night but stand back up win the lights come back on. yours mite be to big to stand back up and will start to spread.
I would definitely leave it in and do water changes. I had the same problem with mines and I kept doing regular water changes until it flourished again.
Now they are doing better than before.
How long have you had the coral?

Xeniids' growth form is heavily dictated by lighting and water flow. Taller, spindlier corals taken from regions of moderate water motion will keel over or be 'blown' over when transferred to a location with less or more flow.
mine fall over sometimes and attach to the ground and the stalk seperates into 2 or 3 peices.leave it alone and you may have 2 or 3 more in a weak or so.
I had an elongata do the same thing. It eventually crashed and left a matting. But the matting started to melt a day later.