pump orientation


Premium Member
Does anyone know if I can plumb a new blueline pump in vertically (inlet pointed up)? Doing so will reduce plumbing fittings and yield more room in cabinet.
Jeremy, I posted the same question in the Marine Depot Forum, here is the response:

"Hi Finfish,

Installing the pump vertically is probably not a good idea. The magnetic impeller inside may not seat properly in this orientation. We would not recommend mounting the pump this way.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with.

Marine Depot Customer Service

What do you think?
I installed the pump after hearing your responce- now I'm left wondering who actually knows their blueline/panworld pumps better- PM or MD?


If you open up a PanWorld pump you will notice that there is no tolerance for your impeller to go anywhere. The impeller seats all the way against its housing on the bottom, and then you have a
"valute" (sp?) that hold the impeller in place on the front side which makes contact with it. There is absolutely no where it can go, be it forwards, backwards, up, down, left, right, etc... Even if it did slight shift forward, it would be entire wet end housing, which makes no difference at all.

I know of a couple people who have both PanWorld's and Iwaki's installed this way with absolutely no problems to date. HTH!
