There is what other manufacturers claim and then there is reality. The reality is that no non electronic controllable propeller pump will last long term on a wavemaker. An impeller pump like a maxijet will work simply because regardless of impeller direction the pump will displace water forward. A prop pump only works if the prop spins the correct direction so it must have a stop. Some other manufacturers use a soft rubber stop so you don't have noise, but wait 6-12 months and let me know if they still work, if you do the research you will see there is no way around this, you can get less noise for sure, but this is a road to frustration, numerous part replacements and pumps spinning backwards. If you want to truly control the pumps, you need low voltage DC controllable pumps and a compatible controller so a computer assists the start in the right direction with no impact. My advice is either take whatever brand AC prop pump you are using off the wavemaker, a simple timer with long intervals of 15+ minutes is fine though you might get noise with each start, or spring for a DC controllable model and suitable controller. You can take my advice or leave it, but if you pour over all the threads about competing pumps you will see I am correct and not have to learn it the hard way.