pump suggestions 8 ft tank


New member
hi tank is


about 25% sps the rest LPS and soft stuff...

currently running a mp60 on each end of the tank...i was thinking of trying something to give a more balanced softer flow as i think the lps and soft will prefer that???

maybe multiple pumps??

also the glass is 3/4 inch

whats your thoughts on the ideal setup?


I really don't know that I have a good suggestion in this case. The MP-60 has a lower flow velocity than most of our larger pumps so short of turning them down and using more pumps or running more smaller pumps, there isn't a more gentle comparable option. I could see running 4 6105 on the back glass at 18V with the wide flow housing as one possibility but all 4 would need the magnet extensions 6205.501 for 3/4" glass and this would be a roughly $1600 set up.