Pump suggestions for 60" x 20" x 20"


New member
I am going to be setting up a 60"L x 20"W x 20"H mixed reef with primarily SPS and a roughly 2 inch sandbed. I was thinking 2 x 6105 plus a controller, but because of the relatively shallow depth, would I be blowing sand everywhere? I'm guessing 2 x 6055 will not be enough flow for SPS? What would you recommend?
That is a valid concern if the sand is very fine (sugar sand and even some 2-3mm aragonite would move, less so with age and biofilm).

The 6105 is very versatile, you can set it so the flow rate is only about 600gph at 12V and 30%, on the other hand that likely won't be enough for many corals, but the main point is you have a wide range of possible flow settings, two housings for wide or focussed flow and you can aim the pump slightly upward which may also help.
Thanks for the reply. Would I be better off with 2 of the 6105s, or would 3 or 4 of the 6055s offer better overall control in your opinion? Or is there a third option that would be best?

I just want to make sure I do it right the first time.
I used to run 4 6055s on my 90g primarily SPS and I still wished for more flow at times. Had they been available I would have gone with 6095s. If you are not opposed the possibility of more than two pumps I might consider starting with 2 6095s and add from there based on what you see.... be it 1 or 2 6055s or 6095s.
The only thing I would caution about between 6095 and 6105, the 6095 out of the box only works on 3/8" glass, a stronger magnet for up to 3/4" is avaialble. The 6105 is for 1/2" out of the box and up to 1" is available. Glass thickness will be an important factor in making the decision.

4 6095 will give a more gentle flow and more even, than the 2 stronger 6105 where the flow will be stronger nearer the pumps. This generally isn't an issue though, it just affects coral placement. The 6055 would work, but I would prefer the more diffuse pattern of the 6095 if you were placing four on a back wall aimed forward.