pumps for a 75 gal.


12-5 Chiefs record
I am wondering what would your ideal choice be for a 75 gal. all SPS setup.

right now I have a tunze 6000 with the single controller I am looking at buying 1 or 2 6100's and maybe the 7094 controller. my question is what would be best.
2-6100's and the 7094
1-6000, 1-6100 and 70094
all 3 pumps with the 7094

or any of those with the 7096 controller. sorry my budjet is tight and the 7094 controller is cheap however if the 7096 is that much better I can save up for it.

Option two would be a good choice. I would look for a 6101 if you are buying used. Newer, easier to get parts, and has the jumper to dial it down to the speed of your 6000.

Also the 7096 would be highly recommended IMO over the 7094. More options, more durable, and the 7094 is going to be out of warranty and hard to find parts for if something goes wrong as it has not been manufacturered in years.
I would agree with Shawn, also keep in mind we just had a 10% price cut. This means a 6105 is $310 about and a 7096 is about $165, we have been running a package sale where they are $750 for 2 6105 and 1 7096, but many dealers have probably not updated there sites yet. This just started August 1st in response to the better exchange rate. The 7094 is so old, it hasn't been made in 6 years and with electronics that is a very long time. No parts are available, it cannot be repaired and the set up was a bit archaic, programming required that certain ports be used to access certain modes and it used a relay that like any relay fails after so many thousands of cycles, the 7096 and 7095 are solid state and don't have that mechanical wear issue. The 7094 switches also tended to wear out.
ok thankyou very much for the great input, I will prob. be checking around some more for some of the newer models