purple coraline algae problme


New member
Anyone ever had a problem with purple coraline algae that grows like steal wool and is starting to compete with corals for space..And how do i get rid of it...???
Hey reefcats,

That is very interesting. Could you post a picture of this algae by any chance? Coralline algae are usually climax species that thrive in reef tanks with good lighting, pristine water, and high calcium. I doubt you would like to "dirty up" your water or decrease your lighting. What kind of lighting do you have? Do you test your water? What are the results of those tests? I know there are some urchins and gastropods that eat coralline algae but I am not familiar with any specific genera that would be useful. Some people, including myself, might be interested to have some of this interesting coralline growing in their tank but I wouldn't want it to be competiting with corals for space.

Yeah !! thats the crap...Its a nightmare. Hair algae loves to start in it if it gets the chance, and it will over take your corals FAST.. I wouldnt buy that stuff...and nothing eats it either. Yes it does look pretty at first...Kinda like my first Wife...
I think the problem cameabout from trying to push the calcium up too hi cause i couldnt get coraline to grow on the rocks. Then one day i saw this littel tree looking thing that was purple..OH boy i thought >>? Two years later its a monster.