Purple Hornets not opening

If you've had them for three weeks during which time your parameters, particularly Alk, have been stable, and they're still not opening then I'd recommend doing a short (three minutes or so) Iodine dip. Then put them right back where they were and see what happens over the next few days.
They were mailed overnight. The shipped shipped them around 6 PM, they were at my house at 9:30 AM. So not to long, and pretty much the shortest time possible.
as long as the polyps, even closed, look healthy, I'd still leave them alone other then maybe moving a location into a higher flow or more/less light depending on where you have them. just my $.02
The shrimps... the shrimps...
Take the shrimps and try put them in the sump!!!
You need to try and see...

Also look for predatory snails and such.
mine were shipped to me with zoa pox. i did the furan thing and got rid of the pox. it has been probably 2 to 3 weeks and nothings opening but it seems to be growing a baby. so i will let mine be
Mine also where close up for a couple of days after having them for a while I got them to a shadded low flow area they came back and looking good.
I just got 5 polyps of them this past sunday morning and they haven't opened yet. I have them in a medium flow area and towards the top of my tank under PC lights. All of my other zoas open just fine even my black hole suns which are similar to the purple hornets.
I got some Purple Hornets as a gift from my brother in-law and they never opened. Hundreds of other zoas are growing great. The problem must have start way before I got them maybe thats why the LFS gave them to him because he is a great customer.:hmm2:
My Purple Hornet that I have for over 1 month started closing up couple of days ago, all 18+ poylps are closed up. But all other zoas in my tank, SPS and LPS are all fine. I tested my water and all seems fine, I really have no idea why.They were opened the very same day I out them inmy tank, and just started closing up this 2 days.

Alk: 8.0
Cal: 430
Mg: 1440
PH: 8.2
Salinity: 1.026
Nitrate: 10
Phos: 0.03
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have you tried an iodine dip yet? pufferpunk turned me on to vitamin c for zoanthids that are melting. she says she has had great success with this method. you may want to give it a shot.

What does the vitamin C method consist of? I have a nice mini colony that is melting away
It is sodium ascorbate crystalline powder or vitamin c in powder form. I had better success by taking a sharp new razor blade and slicing the stem so a little brown oozes out. The zoanthid will go into survival mode and within a few days you will see improvement. I have done this over and over and also when a colony stunts its growth this also help them to start producing more and bigger polyps. Try it on a zoa you have a lot of and see if it works for you. Just make sure you rinse the coral before putting it back into your tank.
It is sodium ascorbate crystalline powder or vitamin c in powder form. I had better success by taking a sharp new razor blade and slicing the stem so a little brown oozes out. The zoanthid will go into survival mode and within a few days you will see improvement. I have done this over and over and also when a colony stunts its growth this also help them to start producing more and bigger polyps. Try it on a zoa you have a lot of and see if it works for you. Just make sure you rinse the coral before putting it back into your tank.

Thanks for the advice! I'm going to try it tonight. It can't hurt!
When I ship zoanthinds I always suggest that after they are acclimated that you hold them in front of a powerhead or return line for about 10-15 seconds.... sometimes zoanthids form a slime coat on them from the stress of shipping..
I have seen them form a thin but hard shell over the closed polyp, i use a toothbrush and brush them all so i can see that the soft skinlike texture is present.
PH are deepwater zoos and like low light, mine started melting under high lighting so i put in the shade and they started opening again in a day or 2.
Good luck to them. Both my purple hornet colonies closed up started to shrink and melted away. Everything in my tank is fine. I have big colonies of Red Hornets. Something about the purple hornets they tend to melt away.