Purple porites?


New member
I was diving in bahamas last week. Saw this SPS at shallow areas... very common. Wonder why it's not seen in the reef tanks!

It is a porites, very purple and beautiful under sunlight that is!

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Interesting. You don't see a lot of porites of any kind kept in captivity much.

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This species is caribbean and taking hard corals from the caribbean is a no-no in most if not all locales. Softies (particularly coralimorphs and gorgs) are the main corals you'll see out of the caribbean.

Porites aren't seen too often, as most varieties are pretty drab in color. They can be very hardy, though, in sps systems.

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This one was very purple in daylight..... surprised no one's seen this in the reef tanks.

Or has there been a case?

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