Purple Urchin


New member
My friend decided she didn't want the urchin anymore, so it's available to anyone who wants it. It's a purple sea urchin (pincushion type). Someone wrote me a while back about it, and it is his if he pm's me sometime this weekend. If I don't get a pm from him, then free to whoever pms me first.

Disclaimer: the tank needs to be well established as he feeds on coralline. Not the best for frag tanks because he'll pick them up on his back and carry them.
Hey boss. Can you drop me a pic of it? I got plenty of corralien for him to eat. Is it a nice nice purple? jay24k at comcast dot net if you don't mind. I'll be down there next sunday so I could swing by then if it is nice. I have one now and he doesn't dent my corraline.
It's a dark pink/ light purple. Sweet color, really cool to watch moving around and picking things up, just a hassle on moving frags to wherever he might want
Mine doesn't bother my frags at all so I'm not worried. If you can drop me a pic, I'll be at Sea World sunday and I can stop by.
You able to get that picture? Maybe I can stop by Sunday anyway if you can't get a picture. I have a long spine urchin now and my frags do not get bothered by him.
