PVC for SF eel


New member
Im going to be setting my 75 gal up for my SF eel and I want to run some PVC tunnels under the rock. Wondering what size PVC I should buy.

i was looking at the 2, but I thought I had read somewhere to go 3 inch. To me the 3 inch looked a bit big but I just wanted an opinion.

Thanks !!!
I made this out of 2" PVC elbows for my Zebra Eel. I think the curves are more natural and help the eel feel secure.

Thats cool moriartiholmes I might steal your patent eel tubing :)

I know you can paint the pvc with krylon fusion but most of it will be covered by rock and I figured whatever I didnt cover hopefully will be covered in coraline anyways. Ill check for black though

Thanks guys