Quarantine is Stressful...for me!


First let me say all my fish get QT and I wanted to share my latest ongoing experience.

My current 150G has been running since Oct 2011, nearly 8 years, and my test log has over 400 entries since I set it up (yea have missed a few weeks for vacation/work/lazy). Water parameters remain stable as I do weekly 10% water changes and maintenance with testing. I also top off with Kalk/ vinegar/RO combo that I have dialed in over the years to keep calcium/dkH/PH stable and where they should be and nitrate at zero from vinegar carbon dose.

Current fish residents are 2x 18+ year old clown fish (from previous tank), 7+ year old 6 line wrasse, 6+year Kole Tang, 5+ year Ebli Angel, 5+ year Long Nose Butterfly, and 4+ year Pink Spot Watchman Goby. Also have 5 + year large brittle sea star that I occasionally see a leg protrude when I feed. A few softy (leathers, mushrooms, toadstools, and polyps) that have divided and filled up the tank. Also a few hermits from additions over the years.

I lost a few cleaner shrimps and a midas blenny over the last year, which I think was old age, and so its time to add some new residents. There is almost no info on adding fish to well established tanks but trying to avoid similar species initially. I really wish I could add a purple tang and have some thoughts on how to accomplish that with the Kole, but not ready to tackle that project yet. After a lot of research I was thinking a new midas blenny or a foxface rabbit would be possible and would give those a try and see how it goes.

I pulled out the 20g QT and set it up and dropped the sponge filter in the sump of main tank. I also pulled some old hermit shells and some live rock rubble from main tank and put them into a media bag and dropped it into the HOB filter to seed the bio wheel on HOB filter. I fed the QT lightly over two weeks to start the cycle and after two weeks dropped the sponge filter into QT. In addition, I run two media bags of carbon in my main tank which I alternately change out every week, so carbon has been in sump for two weeks before being discarded. Instead of discarding the two week carbon, I used some of the carbon in a media cartridge of HOB to help seed filter and have been swapping it out with my weekly main tank changes weekly.

So with QT primed, I went to LFS, but they had no Midas Blennies in. They had recently received a Onespot Foxface from a maintenance customer that was in the process of upgrading to a new system. He was in their larger display tank which they only put fish who have been through their copper treated receiving tanks or their QT tanks. The foxface looked healthy but a little stressed (camo colors). I would of preferred a magnificent foxface, but since this guy was from an established tank and needed/deserved a good home, I decided he might be a good fit for my existing system.

Not willing to risk my longterm buddies or breaking protocol, the Foxface goes into QT. Well the first few days were stressful. The foxface was really shy but was eating mysis/new life pellets/reef frenzy/and nori when I was out of sight but was not real active.

Shortly after adding to QT, I had to go out of town for a couple of days on a last minute trip just as I was starting to see an ammonia spike. Water change and "Primed" the water before I left and caught an early flight home to do a water change when I returned. QT is following classic cycling as ammonia is now zero and seeing nitrite rise, but nitrite is still less than 0.25ppm with water changes. Don't count on supposed tried and true methods of cycled sponge, water/rubble from main tank to provide cycled tank as even best laid plans may not prevent a cycle. Doing water changes with water from main tank every few days to keep stuff in check. Tip going forward, always have a fresh Seachem Ammo Alert badge on QT tank from now on as very convenient to look in on tank and do a spot check on ammonia levels. I check the badge first thing in the AM when feeding the pups (golden retriever and pit bull rescue) and allowed me to verify ammo is OK with a quick visual.

Rabbitfish has had me worried as still showing camo colors whenever I am in the laundry room where QT tank resides. He was still coming out hesitantly for New life pellets and Mysis but not with confidence. Not real active when I peaked in on him but always moving to a different location in tank and eating the nori on the clip when not around.

Finally after two weeks, he is starting to associate me with food. I walked into laundry room tonight and he actively tuned to looked at me when I opened the hood. He moved toward me as soon as I dropped some food in the tank and dropped the camo colors, turned bright yellow, and attacked the small amount of frozen reef frenzy I dropped in. I also added a small amount of NLS pellets and he continued to chase those with vigor. Not sure if it was the cycle that had him bothered, the change in environment, or both but finally seeing some normal behavior.

I really hate the QT period. I have never had a fish that seemed happy in QT. Seems like all my fish have struggled through this phase. They eat and exist, but never seem content. As soon as the go into to display they get a new personality, become way more active and eat confidently, and really seem much healthier.

Still going to QT everything, but wish there was a way to make it less stressful on me and the fish.
Not trying to dissuade you from your protocol but I fully understand the stress component, on the hobbies and the fish. IMO, and again, I’m not suggesting you break from your protocol, QT stress leads to a component of self fulfilling prophecy. The stress of a QT tank exacerbates a minor infection that the fish was well on it’s way to beating but dies due to the added stress of a QT tank, proving that fish needed to be QTed.

The oldest fish in my tank are 3 years clown, so I don’t have as much at risk as you do but every fish in this vid was pop-n-drop.

I do almost exclusively buy used fish from hobbyists though. Requires more patience and restricted inventory

Is there a place the fish can go for security?
Like a piece of PVC pipe?
Might just be the key.

How would you like to sleep in a PVC tube? You could but you want to sleep in a bed and a fish wants to sleep in a rock but rocks have all sorts of problems for QT tanks.
Yes on the PVC, I have a whole bunch of different sizes that get put into QT based on fish size, Elbows, Tees, and Straight Versions. He does not spend much time in PVC, but does like to hang out by sponge filter. Occasionally in one of the TEE's. PVC is cheap so have experimented over the years with various options when I get a fish that just never seems to settle.

Yea, I was not thinking of changing my protocol (yet), especially since this guy is settling in and becoming more active not so worried now. But knowing this guy has been in captivity for some time I would be willing to adjust if he looked to be going south. I am just more mad at myself for thinking the sponge in sump, carbon, rubble would be sufficient and should have eliminated that variable. I really should have been monitoring and adjusting QT for the two weeks prior to make sure I was good. After 40+ years of fish keeping I should have known better.

By the way five five six your tank looks awesome. Don't tell my wife but my next tank is probably 250g+. I have always wanted a queen /blueface/or emperor angel, just never had space for a tank big enough. I know some people say you can start smaller and trade in when they get bigger but I do not want to invest time, effort, and personal attachment into a fish that wont fit eventually. If I knew the fish had a good home to go to eventually then I might reconsider, but options get limited as the larger the tank the fewer the options.
Since I stopped blind prophylactic in-tank treatments (I still do formalin baths) I distinguish between quarantine and hospital tanks.
My QTs of today have rocks, gravel, and algae and are in many ways just small display tanks. Only the HT is barren with just PVC and clay pots.

Since doing it this way the survival rate of new fish has gone up dramatically.

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Roger the Rabbit is now in the main tank

Roger the Rabbit is now in the main tank

Well after three and a half weeks, I opted to move the rabbitfish from QT to main tank. I have some travel coming up and wanted to be able to adjust if I had issues with a new fish going into a well established tank, so opted to move from QT a few days early.

All I can say is I am extremely impressed with the transition. After about an hour in the tank and hiding in an archway, the yellows were much brighter, onespot was way more pronounced, and black around face was much darker. Within a few hours he was cruising around the tank checking new environment and existing tank mates. Absolutely no aggression from Kole Tang or Longnose butterfly fish. The only hint of aggression which was more of a curiosity was with six line wrasse. The "so called aggression" came more more rabbitfish wanting to check out wrasse and wrasse not so sure of it. Everyone is chill now and hangs out together.

What is cool is how similar but different Longnose butterfly and Rabbitfish look. Very similar coloration, just applied slight differently.

Not recommending changing routine, but going to look for ways to make QT less stressful even with a bunch of PVC. :beer: