Queen Angelfish, Purple Tang, & Maroon Clown- Up for Adoption


New member
Hi Everyone, I'm from San Rafael, CA & have a purple tang which I've had for 15 years (yup! since it was the size of a quarter); it's 4-5" and very healthy. I also have a queen angel which I've raised since it was juvenile 3 years ago; it's 4-5" now & showing adult colors- also very healthy. Finally, I have a female maroon clown that laid eggs about 5 years ago (which I raised, hatched, & collected the frye, and managed to get a few through to become tiny/baby clownfish, but their aggressiveness backfired, and they killed each other off... frustrating).

So, I have 4 kids & am crazy busy these days, and these fish are outgrowing their home. I need to this trio a new home, and would feel too guilty to just drop them off at the LFS, not knowing their eventual fate.

I would much prefer giving them to someone with an amazing Fish-only or mixed fish/coral reef tank. They are getting too big for my tank, and I want to find them a good home.

If you are interested in this trio, and would allow me to deliver them to your home (so I can see your tank & prove that you're not a beginner), I will be open to giving them to you, as a trio, at no cost. Remember, I view this more as an adoption than a transaction, so if you show me that your tank can take on these fish, and you're open to adopting all three of them, this might be a score for you, me, and most importantly, these amazing, healthy, and fast-growing marine fish.

