question about brittle star and jawfish


Premium Member
Hello Henry. I just got a bali tiger/moustache/goldspec jawfish. (so many common names). Do you have the scientific name for it? I also have a large, 12" brittle star in the tank. It is a brown brittle star, so should I be worried about it, even though it is not a green brittle star? Please let me knwo so I can see if I need to gt rid of the starfish.
Do you have the scientific name for it?

no. the last time i checked it was still not named, thus Opistognatus sp. is the best i can do.

It is a brown brittle star, so should I be worried about it, even though it is not a green brittle star?

i would be very concerned. if you keep the starfish fed enough it probably won't bother the jawfish. miss a fedding here or there and ???


Thanks Henry. I was worried last night so I put the brittle star i n my refugium. I guess I will be trying to find it a new home.