Question about closed loop


Premium Member
I hope this does not post twice. I posted it earlier but it has never shown up.
Only one of the closed loop outlets has been working. Someone suggested that one side of the SCWD might be stopped up. I took it all down without any major spills (miracle). It has flexible rubing and an inline heater. Blueline pump. I planned to run a vinegar solution through it and see if this helped. However, I can not get a siphon going. I tried putting airline tubing up the inlet as far as it would go while holding the inlet under the water. I sucked a mouthfull of vinegar water (yuck), all the while keeping the inlet under the water. I tried this with the pump on and with the pump off and still can not get it to siphon. I have the outlets submerged in a 5 gallon bucket of water. Nothing is happening. Any suggestions!!! TIA.