Question about Kent Tech-CB Parts A&B


Premium Member
Does the dosing of these 2 have anything to do with the photoperiods on your tank? The directions say to dose early in am. My lights come on early in the evening and go off 2-3AM. When should I dose, 7AM or just before the lights come on in the evening. I rarely have used these products, but my levels of Calcium and Alkalinity are too low.
Display tank Calcium 350 Alk 1.55
Frag Tank Calcium 400(normal). Alk 1.55
I have several SPS in the display tank, some of which seem to be bleaching from where they have encrusted at the bottom and suspect the calcium and alkalinity may be the culprit. TIA.
I believe it is because when you boost Alk you also boost pH. So you want to dose the Kent A/B at a low point of your normal pH fluctuation for the day which is when your lights are off.

So for you, the best time to dose is anywhere from mid morning to the afternoon before the lights come on.

It's not that critical, though. I dose whenenver I manage to remember without ill effect.
Sure ... I've had to use that stuff regularly on my 55 for a long time. I've got sooooo much coralline and maybe it's the Oceanic but I've consistently had the Ca and Alk sucked out of my system faster than I can replenish with water changes.

Ca stays okay, but the Alk and my pH drop too low without dosing. The combo that works for me is 2 parts of the B for each 1 part of A. 2B:1A rather than the equal dosing they say in the directions.

Given your numbers, looks like you can do the equal parts in your display but you might want to consider 2B:1A or even just the B in your frag tank where your Ca is okay.

Good Luck

p.s. Jay ... if you're reading this I know you're going "tsk tsk" that we're buying additives and not using DYI. Maybe one of these days I'll invest the time into refiguring the dose that works for the DYI. Right now I'm happy with the ease of my routine.
I was thinking the same thing about Jay, I did try the DIY 2 part but in my nanos I was supposed to dose more than evaporated. Besides it is easier to do 1 cap of each.
i got sick of dosing. i was using reef builder and reef i have a calcium reactor and it's soooooo much easier. everything stays solid. once it was dialed in it's been good. after about 6 months i dd drop the ph in the reactor to bump up the levels because of more growth, though. but that's simple to do.