Question about Lugols


New member
My LFS bought large bottles of iodine solution and divided it up into smaller bottles at a good price for their customers. This was done quite awhile ago, and I was wondering if Lugols/Iodine has an expiration date?

I also used it for my first dip on Zoas the other night, and when the drops first hit the water, the drops were the typical very rusty colored. But, when I mixed them into the water better, the water was clear like normal water. Is this typical? I guess I am used to something like food coloring where you add one drop and after mixing, your liquid changes color a little.

Thanks much people!!
I believe that this is typical as the solution dissipates quite well in a good amount of water. However if you were to start adding more and more you would notice the water start to tint.
The dip with the Lugols was for 4-5 minutes. I was not sure if my Lugols was still "good" since I know the LFS bought a big bottle of it awhile ago, and my drops didnt cloud the water once I mixed it up.

I thought maybe my Lugols had expired and I was curious because I would rather buy a new bottle that to dip with stuff that has expired.
When in doubt, throw it out. Or go ask Randy on the Chemistry forum, they will probably know.