There are many different encrusting montis with this color combo, but just a few stand out from the crowd.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7175060#post7175060 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReeferMac
How 'bout "purple w/ green polyp encrusting monti"?
- Mac
Mac while I do agree the fancy naming thing has gone out of hand recently (take a look at ANY zoanthid on Ebay), with certain corals I think it's warranted. I've been in the hobby well over 15 years now and only a couple colonies I've tagged with a name... most being encrusting montis because of their uniqueness. This started in fun, but it serves a good purpose at least locally with my buddies... for instance "the Hulk" I got as a wild colony and spoke with Rik Leishman about when I got it (Leishman on RC... my wife calls him my "second wife" because we're on the phone so often
) I have numerous "purple w/ green polyp encrusting montis", but this one was clearly different... the vibrancy of green and large peaks and valleys indicative of "danae" type montis made this speial... It was much easier to say "Hulk" with friends than having to put a three minute description behind specifying which one you were talking about... I even put a pic of the Hulk in the corner for kicks
... I understand what you're saying, and greater than 99% of the things in my system don't have a name... I even had the Superman from local buddy and former TOTM winner Robie Sayan who got it from John years ago before it was called a Superman... boy did that name take off! With that said, I am NOT selling frags
... Here's a few shots... the growing edges and peaks started showing light blue as shown in the second pic...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7174287#post7174287 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by achillesheel
Hey Achilles where did you hear about this? A few people on RC have this from me but it's funny how the name spreads...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7174985#post7174985 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by yetti
Hey Yetti I went to your site and saw a few pictures listed under "Here are a few shots from my tanks" and saw pictures from my buddy Leishman's tanks, including one shot of a different purple base green polyp monti he got from me
... As you're local you may have gotten frags from him... it's all good... we're laid back... just thought it was funny you showed them as images from your tanks... the image you post above is of the exact wild colony he got that is INSANE... It's tough to capture the beauty of these in a photo but people who see these things in person know why they are different... and deserving of a name IMO... The "Barney" is I believe his only named coral... but deservedly so!
One of the other encrusting montis I got wild and gave a name after it developed in captivity... "red polyp encrusting monti" did not do for this guy!
The red is insane in valleys of yellow mountains... I plugged it Vesuvius... The bottom line is that people could throw whatever name they want to their corals... only if it's insane and unique will it stick... We're stressed enough in this hobby... let's all loosen up and have fun with it once in a while!