Question about my order


New member
my order number is 34342

when I click my order history,

"Sorry, that order has been archived off the server "

comes out.

What's the matter with my order? :confused:

I mailed you twice about my order, adding some product and question.

I didn't receive any mail from PA. :confused:

I'll be feel better you can reply even in here about my order processing and my asking for adding SCWD and omega one marine, and about invoice.

or You can just mail to me :

when Do you expect the day PFO mini pendent available your store?

Thanky U

Sorry about the problems with your order. I'm glad you posted online. Our spam filter got your emails. Probably because of the foreign charactors in your reply email. I have added you to our "friends list" in the spam program so it won't filter the message next time.

WE should have the PFO medium pendant next week and i got the SCWD and fish food added to your order. We won't charge you until ready to ship.
