Question about QTing


New member
I was wondering, if I got a 150w halide setup for my nano, which is all softy/LPS/montipora, could I use it as an effective setup for quarantining Acropora/Pocillapora/Stylopora? I suggest this, because I would imagine that if any of the specimens that would be under observation in that tank showed redbugs or AEFW, then I could treat in a seperate tank, however the tank itself wouldn't house the parasites for long as long as no acro stayed in that tank as a host. Does this make sense to anyone?
Eric, it is an idea, as long as the water quality in the nano is suitable to maintain the SPS's alive for long enough to see any parasites, although, I must let you know that AEFW are not easily spottted, I have never seen one on a coral walking arround, but has wittness the same coral been placed next to a strong powerhead and literally 100's of AEFW fly off this coral!
My prevention method of choice is to nook everything that comes in the tank by dipping them in fluke tabs and interceptor.
yes, anytime you QT and keep items away from the main display for observation you just increasing your chances of catching and solving a problem before it happens.
Wait, Rogger, do you use fluke tabs for sheep or w/e, or do you use FWEX from salifert? I want to get fluketabs/interceptor before the fragswap. Should I have my mom contact our dog's vet to get a perscrip, or can I order it from somewhere online or just buy it locally? I wanna get allll setup for the frags that I wanna buy.
Eric, you are confusing fluke tabs which is a salt and fresh water fluke medication with levamisol which is a sheep and pigs dewormer.
Fluke tabs are available without a prescription on some fish stores, I usually get it at Big Al's, it cost approx $5 for 10 tabs. Levamisol which I don't use o recommend you can get w/o a prescription as well through farm livestock stores.
Interceptor is a dog heart worm treatment medication, you can only get it with a prescription on line or through your veterinarian. Interceptor is 100% safe to kill red bugs in the tank and as a dip.
Salifert's FWE does not kills neither red bugs or AEFW it only kills common FW or Planaria.
So for Acro Eating flat worms, you've got to use fluke tabs, and redbugs you use interceptor. Now i just have to figure out the doses...
When I dip my new corals I usually do it in a 5 gal bucket, I start with maybe 1/2 gal of water from the the frag bags to which I add 3/4 qt of my tank water from my tank with the medicine mixed in, for the mix I put 1/4 pill of the interceptor and 4 fluke tabs, I dissolve both medicines in the ziplock bag with my tank water by shaking vigorously until you see no traces of solids only a milky water.
I then do the dripping from my tank slowly until I fill the 5 gal bucket usually about 3 hours, I like to run a power head in the bucket.
FAIR WARNING!!!Be aware that using Fluke tabs when dipping your corals will kill all the xenia you have in the tank, it does not matter how good you rinse the frags, the smallest traces of fluke tabs will kill ALL xenia
Yay killing xenias! Thank you SO much for your help Rogger and Joe. I'm gonna bookmark this page so I can refer back to it when I get the frags from the swap. FMAS is so awesome, and I can't wait to join at the swap!

Now I just have to find/buy fluketabs and interceptor... I suppose best would be to just call the vet and hit big al's when I'm down again?
Guys, the methods Rogger has talked about are good at cointrolling the AEFW, but they are very very difficult to get rid of. Even when you think they are gone, they will come back. They take months and months to populate (or repopulate). :)
Belive Chris&Rogger when these talks about the trials and headaches of SPS these guy KNOW all to well.
I am definately learning from the masters. Between the guys on FMAS and the guys in the SPS forum, there is so much knowledge and experience, that it's an amazing experience, and I hope that they know how much I, and many of the other noobish reefers appreciate it.
Hey is good to know that all the corals I've kill are giving all of us a liittle more insight on what it takes to keep them alive.
I am glad that it is appreciated