Question for a friend.


New member
So my friend has recently started a new tank. He has a 35 gallon hex. He has only added water and live sand. He was testing parameters with red Sea test kit and it is saying his

Ammonia 1.2ppm
Nitrite 1.0ppm
Nitrate 50ppm
Dkh 14 ppm
pH 8.1 ppm
Temp is at 83+-1

I was thinking possibly the temp got too high and killed the live sand? I'm kind of lost for words. On this one. He hasn't added a shrimp or anything to kick start the ammonia cycle so I have no idea why it is so high.
Live sand usually has some ammonia from die off since it's just been sitting in a bag on the shelf.

If he used tap water then that would explain it as well.