question for Dr. Caldwell


New member
Will the LR in a 2.5 gallon nano be sufficient filtration with a G.Ch. Mantis only. Just wondering if I should add the the filter pads to my filter. I do 25% water changes weekly with water from my main tank (0 nitrates). Will this keep the water clean enough? I have heard they are pretty hardy critters. What about running carbon? Thx...
It should be fine - just watch the excess food. G. c. will often kill things bigger than they can eat and while they are pretty tough and can tolerate some ammonia, this is the usual thing that does them in. Also, G. c. need a good narrow entrance cavity. For a large animal (3 inches) a 1.5 ID piece of dark PVC around 5-6 inches is about right. If you give the animal some small pieces of broken coral rubble, it will seal up the entrance to its liking.

Thx Dr. Roy,

I plan on feeding frozen krill and the occasional snail/crab for variety (that is if I can get him to). Will this be enough as far as nutritional value? Also, I have seen a post you made that the G. Chiragra are also known for shell disease. Is it as common as in the peacocks? If the specimen doesn't already have it can good water quality and nutrition be a guarenteed prevention to it?
And one more question :D , While I was waiting to come across this mantis I threw two of the 1" mantis in the tank I set up for it, what is their fate?

Sorry to bombard you with questions....I'm trying to learn from the forum, it seems the only place on the net with information on these creatures.
Krill with a bit of additive such as Selcon work well. An occasional snail will help.

G. c. are not as prone to shell disease as larege male O. s, but they do get it. I notice a wound on your females antennal scale, but so far no disease.

With good tight--fitting cavities, the smaller animals should be fine.

Color. Females are a light olive mottle. Males are usually much darker brown. One exception is G. chiragra from Northern Queens land where both males and females a light.

Thx much for the help Dr. Roy, you will probably get more questions from me in the near future.:D