Question for Michael


Premium Member
Hey Michael,

First, i stopped by your booth at MACNA to say hi. Unfortunately you weren't there the first time on saturday, and when i stopped by again before the raffle I hung around for a while but you were busy with someone else. I never got a chance to stop by again. So hello! :wave: :D

What I wanted to ask is, I was at 3CC today and Brian was showing me a little in-line probe holder unit. I forget the name. Looked like it has 4 holes for probes and gets mounted somewhere in the plumbing... return line maybe? What is the benefit of this device vs having your probes in a probe holder mounted to the sump? One issue I'm having is with the ORP probe. I've noticed that if I don't grab a toothbrush and quickly clean the head every 5-7 days, the ORP reading starts to rise, and continues to do so for what seems like indefinitely until I clean it. At which point it drops to what seems to be lower than it should be reading for a day or so until it evens out again, where it stays pretty solid... until it starts to get dirty again. This is a problem because the ORP probe is controlling my Ozone generator. Is this normal? I was wondering if maybe this other device does something to keep the probes from needing to be cleaned as often?

sorry i missed ya, i was on and off the booth as i have trouble standing long periods due to my spine issues. I know exactly the times you meant and you are right I was AWOL :(

ORP is very subjective, yes it needs a very clean environment to work the best place is in strong flow. You can use a measurement cell but they are metric connections and also special order but these are pressurized and keep probes clean.

The magnetic holders are available now and make mounting probes easy, there is a thread on here about them

Sorry i missed you.
Hey no worries, next time! ;)

Thanks for the info... yes, "measurement cell"... that was it.
So it does keep probes clean. Is this it's main purpose?
I have the probes in a magnetic probe holder currently, so the tips are only a few inches below the surface and the top caps and wires are completely out of the water. I have them mounted in my sump but right where the water enters from my drains. Figured this would give me the most accurate measurement of what's going on in the display tank, and it is definitely strong flow. But obviously this may be the dirtiest water. I'll just keep cleaning for now.

This reminds me... you mentioned several months ago that you were trying to source some metric parts to make the flow sensors plug n play for us here in the states. Any luck with that?
