question in regard to quote?

NM reef

New member
Over the past few years I have used a refugium on my reef as a means of excess nutrient export with what I consider to be limited success. I maintain an assortment of caulperas and chaeto. Both are harvested on a regular basis and for well over two years now I have managed to maintain nitrates at non-detectable levels. I do get some phosphates from time to time...but never any significient amounts. I'll soon be using rowaphos in a fluidizied filter as a means of phosphate control....the reason I am posting is a quote I have from another source with claims in regard to macro algaes in general. Any comments pro or con in regard to this quote?

Plant life controls pest algae by consuming ammonia, nitrAtes, phosphates and carbon dioxide. And in the process also filters out toxins and heavy metals. Snails (and hermits) consume plant life and increase the bioload in the system. Assuming there is sufficient bacteria to aerobically process the ammonia and nitrItes, the nitrAte, phosphate, and carbon dioxide levels will increase. Which is the nutrients to increase the algae growth.

The quote is in reference to macros being able to consume excess nutrients in a display which this quote says will prevent and/or reduce micro algaes that sometimes grow on the inside glass....what I'm curious about are the claims of "plant life" ie macro algaes being able to filter toxins and heavy metals...also macros being able to process ammonia...phosphates...and effect carbon dioxide levels. I am by no means a expert on the filtration properties of maco algaes but I am curious about the ability of macros to have a positive effect on carbon dioxide....and I'm very interested in information on the possibility of macro algaes to filter toxins and metals from untreated tap water. Plus any comments on macros ability to process ammonia/phosphates/nitrites/nitrates would be appreciated.

thanks in advance for your time.......
Hmmm...several views but no comments. I am really interested in comments in regard to this bit of information...

Plant life controls pest algae by consuming ammonia, nitrAtes, phosphates and carbon dioxide. And in the process also filters out toxins and heavy metals.

I am aware of the benefits of growing/harvesting macros for export of excess nutrients. But can macros effectively clean up un-treated tap water of metals and toxins?