Question - MAG as an external pump?


Premium Member
I have been preparing to move my MAG 24 (return pump) from inside my sump to be an external pump, due to heat issues, when I notice that on your website it states:

Note: Mag-Drive pumps are not recommended for external use.

huh?? I have read many threads about them being used for this purpose. What has changed?
Hi JAGreef,

The Mag Drive pumps have a tendency develop a slow leak over time due to the o-ring used. It does not happen all the time, but is not uncommon. For this reason, we have never recommended the pump to be used externally. Some of our customers have used a thin layer of silicone glue around the o-ring to prevent the leak from developing: it seems to be a good solution.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Marine Depot Customer Service
I have mag36 that I sealed with a hot glue gun and it is working for three months with no problem.