Question- Multiple PBT


Member of NJRC
Do any of the large tank owners out there have multiple powder blue tangs in their system? How big is your system? I would love to know. Thanks.
It will depends on the fish
I keep a multiple purple tang before without problem for years
Now my yellow tang kills my other yellow and bullying my purple tang.

It's too risky IMO
I am sure it's not pretty!
Ching chai have a couple of Achilles in his tank but he has 1200 gallon tank.
anyone run into eating problems treating their PBT with cupramine?

i have a 4.5" PBT that would eat nonstop, but quit when i dose cupramine. at .125ppm(1/2 of .25ppm dose), it didnt bother it. but at .25ppm, he quit eating. maybe he will do better tomm, but this is my 2nd PBT that goes on hunger strike when i dose cupramine.

no visible ich. its just prophylactic treatment before hitting my DT. i've had the PBT for 2 weeks now.
anyone run into eating problems treating their PBT with cupramine?

i have a 4.5" PBT that would eat nonstop, but quit when i dose cupramine. at .125ppm(1/2 of .25ppm dose), it didnt bother it. but at .25ppm, he quit eating. maybe he will do better tomm, but this is my 2nd PBT that goes on hunger strike when i dose cupramine.

no visible ich. its just prophylactic treatment before hitting my DT. i've had the PBT for 2 weeks now.

I have a PBT that just came out of QT and was treated with Cu at a level of .35 ppm for two weeks. It's appetite did slow down, but it didn't cease to eat. I wouldn't be too concerned unless it goes for more than a week without eating.

Have you tried different foods? During treatment, mine would ONLY eat San Fransisco Bay frozen brine. The day I put the fish into the display it ate everything.
my PBT was eating some of that S.F frozen brine+ some of the other S.F frozens, ON reef flakes prior to copper, +occasional ON pellet.

now he is eating small amounts of nori rubberband to a rock.
If its picking at the nori, don't be concerned. If something was wrong it wouldn't eat at all. IME cupramine will affect their appetite which is why I liketo get them nice and fat in QT before starting any medication.
got thru the cupramine treatment. mine is doing great in the DT now.

anyone tried 2-3 PBT's? i know about all the body, shape, color deal, just wondering if anyone tried it?