Question on battery backups.....


New member
I'm going to have two (maybe 3) 6055's in my tank and I was looking to put them on a battery backup(s). I am going to control the units through my Profilux, but it plugs into the wall so I dont know if this would still work during a power outage.

If I had a power outage and disconnected the control cable from the profilux would the pump kick in then ???

Can I just power the pump directly off the batteries instead since they wont have auto-switching anyway ???

I already have a waterproof battery tender 800 and (2) 12v 7.0Ah batteries, so I hope I will still be able to use these in the event of a power failure, but am not sure since they hook up to my Profilux...

Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions for me ???
Probably you will have to disconnect the pumps from the profilux. You could connect the pumps directly to the battery but I would have some sort of safety fuse installed just in case, especially if the charger will be connected at the same time as the pumps. The safety connector does auto switch but it also prevents the pumps from being burned out by a surge.
Okay, sounds like a safety connector will still be the way to go. I don't want to mess up my warranty or anything by plugging it straight into the battery....

So if its hooked up to my profilux and the power goes out, all I have to do is disconnect the control wire from the profilux and it'll start right up ??? I want to make sure it is this easy so if it happens when Im not home I can talk someone through it. :lol:
Yes, that is all that would be required, you might consider just having one back up pump with no controller or a 7091.
Sorry to dredge up an old post, but can you tell me what th difference is between the 0v output by a Profilux that is switched off but connected to a DC stream on battery and no input when the cable is not connected? Obviously there is a difference because when the power is out to the profilux the pump switches off, I'm wondering if a relay could be slotted into the control line so that when the power is out the pump just runs at full? I hope that makes sense? Thanks, Andy
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Our controllers are powered by the pump, so if the pump has power, the controller keeps running. I assume in the case of externally powered controllers, the pump sends the signal to the controller and gets nothing back because it has no power so it remains off.