Question on mushroom


Active member
I bought this one as a richordia..
Lately it has been getting rather large bubbles on it..
It had a few larger bubbles on it from the beginning, but now it seems they are taking over..
Is this normal for a richordia,, or is it a richordia??

All of the babies it has been dropping are doing the same thing..



Any ideas,, or am just concerned over nothing??
Hmm, I always thought the bounce mushrooms were just upset yumas or something. Almost like they figured out a way to get the animal to bubble so they could sell it like that? Thoughts??
yep, true 'bounce' are from the genus rhodactis. A bounce by any other name is prolly someone just trying to market and increase value

The OP's shroom is most definitely r. yuma...and my god, it's pretty wacky at that. I've rarely ever seen yumas bubble, and OP's looks like it's bubbling up a storm...

Personally, I always thought the bubbling we see in bounce shrooms had something to do with an initial lack of light, thereby telling the animal it needed to try and maximize it's surface area somehow to try and collect as much PAR from its light source.

Once the bubbles are formed, they stay that way, no matter how much more light it receives later on.....

It's the same sort of response we see in bubble-tip anemones - i've read they bubble in response to a lack of light, where the bubbling of tips essentially doubles or triples the amount of light-collecting surface area in that part of the animal in those light-poor environments.

However, BTAs seem to lose their bubbles when introduced to more light.....whereas bounce shrooms seem to have them for life...

one of the oldest bounce shrooms I know of

owned by a reefer up here in Canada


where does the shroom end and the "bounce" begin!??!?!?
It's a Ricordia yuma with "bounce" type bubbles, very nice. If it colors up well the "bounce" thing has been hyped so much that you might get a good bit for them.