Question on toadstool leather.


New member
Hey whats up everyone. I recently purchased a toadstool leather, not sure on the specific species. Any how, the first day i put him in the tank, it extended all of its polyps no problem. After that i decided to move it and now the polyps havent extended for about a day and a half. I guess my question is, are they naturaly stubborn after being disturbed?. All water params are in good condition and i i do water changes every week and a half to two weeks. I also run carbon with a poly filter and a Aqua C remora skimmer. This is all on a 29 gallon tank. Thanks fellas.
they are sensitive sometimes (depending on the species) but have you tried moving it back to where it was to see if it's a "position" thing?
Yep: they are very tempermental when disturbed. Mine if disturbed will also close up for a day to few days. Best to get it positioned where you want it & then let it be :).

Yours should open back up in the next couple of days I would think.


Thanks guys!. yeah i just moved it to its " original " spot. Hopefully we'll see some polyps soon. Thanks again!.
Light will affect them too; I usually have to move them a day or two after they get settled bc they're too close to the can tell if they're too close because the polyps close up, and if they are too far from the light, they will stretch their cap so that they look like a cup. Keep in mind they shrink up to expel waste. If it shrinks up alot, they are unhappy where they are at.

In a 29, you might try to put it on the sand, and see what it does. If it stretches, move it higher; if it's still stretching, move it up again. Do that until it starts to close, then move it back down one level.

Bkndsdl, when u say stretch up, do you mean the stock rising and the caps edges becoming curled and bowl like?.
I mean the rim of the cap rising high like it's reaching for the light. The leather looks kind of like a wine glass.....
well yesterday my toadstool leather went through a shedding ( not sure if this is good or not ). It is now fully open with polyps extending!. yay.
lol the #2 lmao try to leave it alone for a bit remember everytime u touch it you disturb it again.. a nice location with slow but sure currnt always works well for me.. good luck and make sure your rotein skimmer is running so it can clean up that number 2 lmao good one bk