Question regarding paly/zoa toxins.. Please help

Electus unus

New member
Today upon inspection, I noticed a zoa had been knocked down by some rude invert. It was partially opened up before I repositioned it. Now, I had my powerhead turned off so other than the filter, there was not much water flow. So when I repositioned it, it did as you would expect and closed up, but with the lack of current, I could see what looked like an oils lick, but more cloudy really. My hand was all up in it so it kind of had me concerned, as I've heard story's and done some research on the toxins some palys and zoas can put off. Have any of you seen this off putting, milky/oily, residue emitting from any of your zoas? If so, what could it be?
you'll be fine man just dont squish them when you place them they release some zoa juice in the water
Yes, some species produce that milky liquid more than others. That could have some of the toxins used for it's defense, including palytoxin. I'm not sure exactly what that is, but could be that the zoanthid was somehow internally hurt. I don't think that is part of the mucus found in their guts, but found in their body, so it's probably lightly hurt inside, like smashed by accident.

Palytoxin and other chemical expelled by zoanthids' for defense will hurt you mainly if you have an open wound, as far as I know... Unless you are allergic to the mucus and so...

Bottom line is if you didn't feel anything happening on the first 12 hours after the incident I would think you're fine. The use of gloves will prevent the toxins to get into your system, when at the same time you get hurt. Next time...
There were times when people were sensitive enough to have symptoms just because they touched their zoas with bare hands and no apparent liquid or anything else noticed in the water.
That's why we suggest that it is better to aways use gloves when handling zoas!

Good luck!

Grandis^ your suggestion of an internal injury would make since as this is the zoa from the thread I posted that was attacked by a sea star. There was no apparent damage to the outside, and it took until just before lights normally go out for some polyps to open. But even so some remained closed. I never really touch the heads, not with any force anyway. But they seemed to emit this stuff pretty much immidiately after I moved them, and they closed up.
Yeah, not to worry. If you run a skimmer that should get out of your system.
Normally that's not a problem.
Tanks with zoanthids will aways have some type of chemicals related to their defense in the water. The high concern is when people are allergic to those chemicals and that could be a big deal. Again, that's why I aways suggest people to use gloves when handling them or putting the hands in the tank. We don't know who is allergic and who isn't, so...
The high concern is when you've got an open cut. Independent of being allergic or not, that could cause you to go to the ER!

I do have a couple minor cuts on my hands. Both of which are almost done healing up. But I've not felt any mal-effects as of yet, so I think I'm okay.