Question regarding tank depth >36"


Anyone have experience with large 400+ gallon tank with considerable depth (>36 inches)? I feel that increased depth would allow some cool aquascaping possibilities... Post your photos. Also, do you find it is too hard to keep clean? Do you have to go acrylic if you have a tank that is deep?
Anything higher than 32" will be a problem with reaching the bottom. You might think you can deal with it, use tongs, a magnet to clean the front, etc. But over time it will be a chore and you will regret it.
My tank is 36" tall glass. I didn't want acrylic b/c glass is a lot more easy to clean. My tank is viewable from 3 sides. I use the float magnet gadget with the razor blade attached to clean the stubborn coraline. Glass also allows me to slagoff once in a while with my cleaning schedule.