put in a mirror on the side of the tank. my sailfin flips out on it and only pays attention to it. see if that works. or you might have to move the sailfin out for a little while and let the naso settle in and then replace the sailfin.
Good luck. I hope it works, I have added fish using this method and it has worked. Sometimes it does not and it takes a bit more to get them to live w/ each other LOL.
Glad to hear it si working out. I have a powder blue that is pretty mean. So far since I have had him he has killed: 1 achilles tang and maybe 4 clown tangs. He is the devil!!!
I agree with the approaches mentioned but I gotta say this. A naso and a sailfin in a 4 ft tank is just plain mean. Both fish will get way too big for that size tank. Had to say it.:thumbdown
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