Questions about 6040


New member
Today i bought a 6040 wave maker. I love the neat design and can hhide behind rocks. However, i have couple of questions about it hopefully Roger can help.

1. There is no protection guard on the pump. Why is that? I also own 6020 and there is protection guard. I am too scared to use it now because i worry my shrimps will get shattered.

2. What does the pulse power function do? When i turn pulse power on i notice the pump dont pulse anymore, it will just run continuously.
1) The guard would reduce the flow too much and we wanted the maximum performance, in place of the guard the pump has a sensor system and an obstruction would stop it, this would have to be a more major obstruction than a small shrimp though. In general if the pump is running an animal will not likely enter and if it is not running but plugged in the fish care function should pulse it once every 20 seconds to scare away any animal that would enter.

2) You need to be sure a different pulse speed is set so it can pulse between the two speeds, if the speeds are the same, you will see no change.