Questions about the "meeting", also looking to buy mushroom corals


New member
So how do i sign up to go to the meetings? do i need to pay someone?

Also, if anyone has any mushroom corals they would like to sell please let me know, im planning on coming up to memphis at some point during the weekend to check out memfish and some saltwater store in southhaven.
I just want as many different types of mushrooms as i can get to start off with and learn about them before i try more expensive ones.

Looking for an anenome for my percula clownfish pair to live in. any suggestions?

i bought a condy anenome and my neighbor told me they are bad for the tank, any merit in this? it looks really cool and i enjoy feeding it so i dont want to get rid of it but if its going to cause problems.....


We welcome you coming to the meeting, look forward to meeting you.

Aren't you the student that is at Ole Miss I corresponded with a while back??

Student Memberships are just $10.00 if you are wanting to join up.
I have some Frilly Fuzzy Green Mushroom if interested ... just let me know so i can bring some to the meeting for ya ... I am not sure how manny I have but just send me a Pm and we can work something out ... (If you have any Blue, Orange or Red Zoa, ) Willing to Trade for that ...
I have some mushrooms you can have. I know I have some purple with blue stripes around the edges. I may also have some red and/or some green with orange dots. I always have some loose mushies on the bottom, I just don't know what exactly is there at the moment.

The catch is I don't get to Memphis hardly ever, but I'm willing to ship. I'm expect it would be <$10. Shoot me a message if you're interested.