New member
Ok, I have had my tank set up for about 4 months now, everything is going well, I have a leather coral, some ricordia, a couple peppermint shrimp, hermits, snails, and a fromia sea star. It is a 40g breeder with three 40 watt t-8 50/50 bulbs. Filtration comes via a wet/dry with no bioballs and only the filter floss, a skimmer, and a bag of carbon next to the return pump. My sandbed is about 3"-4" inches (80lbs.) and I have about 55-60lbs of live rock. Is there anything I need to change about this before I get an octo? I was thinking about deepening the sand bed a little, putting about 20 more lbs. of live rock, and maybe building a fuge in my sump. If I were to build a fuge, what should it include, I would probably make it simple as far as plumbing so that it overflows into the rest of the sump and back to the tank. Secondly, is there any good literature on keeping octos or should I just study this forum. Thanks!!