I have never ordered a fish online, and with such a good experience with my LR order i figured i would check into it.
My first question, if i order a fish online and it arrives dead, does the live fish guarantee cover the cost of the shipping too? the fish i want is an occ. clownfish, which costs 15, but the cost of shipping is ~30. Since the cost of the shipping is 2x more then the cost of the fish, this is important to me
When i am ready to order a fish, will i be able to request a size of the occ. clown i want. i am looking for a smaller size, so i can watch it grow over the years. if the fish is in stock in that size, will they make note of it when it caught from the tank
My first question, if i order a fish online and it arrives dead, does the live fish guarantee cover the cost of the shipping too? the fish i want is an occ. clownfish, which costs 15, but the cost of shipping is ~30. Since the cost of the shipping is 2x more then the cost of the fish, this is important to me
When i am ready to order a fish, will i be able to request a size of the occ. clown i want. i am looking for a smaller size, so i can watch it grow over the years. if the fish is in stock in that size, will they make note of it when it caught from the tank