Questions & opinions from SPS GURUS

Robert Patterso

New member
I'm looking for answers and advise on my tank. first a little history. I've been in and out of this hobby (addiction) since about 1991. SW fish first then to reef. Mainly lps and shroom ect. Well I discovered sps's and I want in. So slowly I'm getting out of lps (trading in to lfs) and heading towards sps, zoos and some of the collector lps. Lords, micromussa ect. So here's my tank, sorry no pics. (no camera)

Tank: 70g 36Lx24dpx19wd
sump: 20g
canister filter for carbon and more water volume, flow
Phosban reactor, just installed
protien skimmer: Via Aqua (I know, JUNK) have a octopus 200 nw in transit.
Pump: Eheim 1262 for return, soon to go into closed loop, Eheim 1250 coming for return, will be removing cantister and replacing for another phosban reactor for carbon.
2 MJ 400 mods on alternating cycle (every 30 min.)

Lighting: 150w, 10k de in pfo pendant, 300w vho super actinic (PFO)
Setting up a dsbb also for nitrates

Perimeters are as follows: CA - 450, dKH 9-10, MG - 1400, P04 - .02, N03- 3ppm
Fish are Skopas tang, Royal gramma, Midas blenny, 2 bar gobies, fed once daily, variety of foods. Coral are fed twice weekly rotifiers and DT's.

sps corals are blue tort (ora) millipora (ora) pocillopora dami (ora),
Pocillipora starts to bloom in morning with actinic on, when MH comes on is withdraws. Any ideas why this might be?
Assorted lps corals.

Water changes performed weekly, 5gal. Salt is tropic marin pro reef SG is 1.024 pretty consistant. Make up water is ro, no di at this time. Ro measures .024 tds.

Additives used: ESV B- Ionic 30 ml ea. day. Kent turbo cal. 3-4 times a week, kent coral builder. Rowa Phas in phos. reactor.

All bulbs are 6 mos. old. What advise or opinions does any of you sps guru's have that I could consider to make my tank a successful sps tank. Any and all opinions welcome.

Sorry for the long thread, was told to give as much detail as possible.

Thank you,
Robert Patterson
Thanks for the thread refs. I've been reading the thread on water quality and perimeters. I guess I forgot to mention the types of test kits I use, Salifert for Ca, alk, no3 and mg. Seachem for po4. Don't know how but my temp. as far as I know very rarely goes below or above 79, about a .5 variance. Fan in hood,sump and a stand up fan blows on back of tank. i've tested my ph a 2:00 am and its around 8.0. I guess I need to increase my % amount of weekly water change. Right now is a little less than 10% a week.