

New member
hey im sorry but i dont know where to put this so if it is in the wrong section (most liekly it is) could you move it and tell me where it was moved to? thanks. ok on to my questions. In the future (hopefully not to far into the future) i will be looking for a 180+ gallon tank. What makes everything that much more difficult is that i live in alaska. yah i know its a shocker we dont live in igloos and we have lifes. well the only place i can really find a tank is on craigslist cuase im 90% sure we dont have any tank builders that are local. what i need to know is if a company could build a 180+ tank and send it to alaska. its ok if you cant, ill just wait till i find a steal on CL. and if you cant may i ask why you dont do that?
thanks and if this is int he wrong section, please dont bug me, im a noob on RC and just ask a moderator to move it please.

thanks so much.